These selections are available for download as high-quality WAV files. Right-click any link below, choose "Download linked file as…" and specify a download location to begin the download:

  1. Promo spot (00:30), WJFF, Monticello, NY, "Classics for Voice," Kevin Hanek
  2. Grammy Award announcement promo (00:38), composer Christopher Tin, 2011 Grammy Awards, Kevin Hanek
  3. Book advertisement promo (00:30), Barry Sears, Mastering the Zone, Kevin Hanek
  4. Documentary narration excerpt (00:30), interview with pianist Norman Shetler, Kevin Hanek
  5. Documentary narration excerpt (01:44), from Claudio Magris, Danube, "Doubtful Cartography," Kevin Hanek
  6. Audio book excerpt-Nebraska accent (01:05), Mark Kurlansky, The Food of a Younger Land, "The Middle West Eats: Nebraska Baked Beans" (J. Willis Kratzer, WPA Federal Writers' Project), Kevin Hanek
  7. Audio book excerpt-contemporary British accent (01:32), Richard Dawkins, The Greatest Show on Earth, Kevin Hanek
  8. Audio book excerpt-Georgia accent (01:47), Flannery O'Connor, "A Good Man Is Hard to Find," Kevin Hanek
  9. Radio drama announcer (01:11), Kevin Hanek
  10. BBC news item-standard British accent (00:49), Kevin Hanek
  11. Live broadcast excerpt 1 (05:57), WJFF, Monticello, NY, "Classics for Voice" broadcast of February 13, 2011, Kevin Hanek with Kathy Geary
  12. Live broadcast excerpt 2 (04:46), WJFF, Monticello, NY, "Classics for Voice" broadcast of February 13, 2011, Kevin Hanek with Kathy Geary